Tuesday 21 October 2008

A small Step...

Hi there,

Welcome to my story of how I want to run a marathon. The London Marathon to be precise. I work in London, so this seemed the most convenient choice, if you can call running a marathon convenient.

First of let me introduce myself. A 23 years old girl who despises any sporty activity to the fullest and rather lies on the bed or couch to read a book or play a video game or spent all her time in front of the computer to follow up on social relations on Facebook.
However, the last time my husband and me were visiting my mother in Germany, she had a book about marathon training. Probably slightly drunk from several bottles of German beer I made the suggestion that we all should take part in the next London marathon.

I managed to forget this fact for a good month but was reminded of it the last time we met which was two weeks ago. Both, my hubby and my mom were convinced that I had already given up on that thought (and how right they were), but I insisted that it was still valid. And here I am, owning two Non-runner Marathon Training Guides and a Fitbug.
This is my third day into the training, having had my training session of 35 minutes running this morning at 6.30am in our local gym. Yesterday was a rest day, but my first training session last Sunday was my first big challenge.
Running for 35minutes…in one go. Me, who regularly collapsed into coma every time we had to run more than one round in our school yard during PE and promised to sue the school for torture.
But I did it. I realized that I need proper running shoes as my first marathon training blister proved, but apart from that it was manageable. Who had thought? After it I felt great, bouncy and thinking that if I can run for that long, then another 3-4 hours shouldn’t be a problem. Until about 2 hours later when my calves started firing up, resisting any further movement and turned the running shoe shopping tour into a mission in hell. The next day (the REST day) I woke up with pain in my lower back?!? How the heck do I run? I expected pain from my feet upward up to the waist, but what does my back have to do with running?

Well the pain has almost vanished and my training session this morning went smoothly (although I had the feeling someone had a go on the treadmill timer, it seemed so much longer). Tomorrow morning I have to get myself to survive 40 min. Oh how I can’t wait.

Today is also the first full day that I wear my Fitbug which I received yesterday. It’s a pedometer which records your steps and you can upload all your data to their homepage and there you have an overview over how much calories you take in and how much you burn. I think after a week’s assessment they will also send you targets that you have to meet and recipes and stuff. Looks cool so far, despite the homepage being rather confusing, but who knows what a bit complaining can achieve.

I’ll keep you up to date!
My current step count for today is: 11366

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